Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ramblings for February

                Let’s say you’re sitting at home on a lazy Sunday afternoon, munching a bowl of Funyuns, catching up on old Webster reruns and wondering what in the heck happened to Crystal Clear Pepsi.  When you shift your position on the couch, a crisis forms in your mind.  You wonder why you hadn’t thought of it before.

You need to add some new headings to the LCSH.
You know you need to.  You feel the urge. 
You click off Webster just before he did something new that was wrong, and head to The Google to find out how. 
There it is.  Your suggestions  for adding or changing headlines must be submitted via the….wait for it…. Subject Authority Component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging through a Subject Authority Proposal.  Yep.  The good ol’ SACPCCSAP.  I find this quite entertaining to find a form for this with a name this long. 
Other things for the month:  I’m finally starting to get it.  AACR.  If I had to, I could be given a book and I could do a darn good job at making a block record of it.  A few of the books I practiced with:  Jerry Spinelli’s Smiles to Go, Jeff Pearlman (one of my favorite writers and bloggers) ‘s The Bad Guys Won!, and The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan’s highly enjoyable piece of cinema.  I do feel that I’m ready to move on to the MARC, though it is intimidating, at least according to the Catalog It! book that is used for the class.  Numbers, dollar signs, pound signs—it almost looks like an Archie comic character using colorful language (Mr. Weatherbee, perhaps?  Jughead could really tick him off sometimes.  Or maybe it’s Mr. Lodge? He really couldn’t stand Archie, but he still put up with him dating his daughter….and sometimes dating Betty openly.  Bizarre.)
And on a side note….I’m totally pumped about Radiohead’s new album.  I won’t be able to get it for a while because of financial constraints due to some car repairs, but that will make it even more worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. Oh goody, i saved your brain from Webster. I, too, could not buy the album right now...and what the heck is he doing in this video??? It's so 'Yorke-y'.
